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Thank you Arun...
I don't have any blogs.
Ok..let me start a blog first. All your suggestions are noted

Meera sandhu
Good to read this! Best wishes to Arun and Sandhya keep trying you will surely succeed some day ..sooner or later. :)

Thanks a lot Ashi. I appreciate your wishes.
I thought to write action pact stories. Presently I think that I should concentrate more on articles. Writing articles online is much better.

That's a wrong notion Devyani. Creating something that can be marketed under your name for life is always more valuable than anything. For articles, you depend on so many things to earn..Google, Adsense revenue, Traffic, Competing pages.....but with books, if it unique and good quality, it automatically takes off under your name. You create a traffic for yourself and don't depend on anything.
Thinking about writing and really working on it are two different things. Many times i have thought it too but indeed its not easy until you are passionate about it..
All the best to Arun and Sunil...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thinking about writing and really working on it are two different things. Many times i have thought it too but indeed its not easy until you are passionate about it..
All the best to Arun and Sunil...

Puneet I know that thinking and really working on it are two different things and hence I don't think much. The worse that can happen is that I would fail.

Also, if you look at the heading of my thread, it says I am planning and planning certainly has more probability of success.

Thanks for your wishes. I appreciate it.
Thinking about writing and really working on it are two different things. Many times i have thought it too but indeed its not easy until you are passionate about it..
All the best to Arun and Sunil...

Puneet I know that thinking and really working on it are two different things and hence I don't think much. The worse that can happen is that I would fail.

Also, if you look at the heading of my thread, it says I am planning and planning certainly has more probability of success.

Thanks for your wishes. I appreciate it.

Indeed sir.. that is the way to succeed... Work more think less.. All the best.. Keep going

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Yes often I thought to write a book about my life.But failed to do so.Hope I will be able to write it soon.

Sharmistha Banerjee
First of many congratulations Arun for taking right step.

I would like to throw my experience as well, though with boddunan. This was with one of the author who used to publish quality articles here which got quick attention of a website owner. And what? He got an immediate offer for handsome price in $$$. Though it is not a book but rather a contract to write series of article on a selected topic.

In my experience, most of such success stories comes when you have good online presence (if you are looking to earn money online). It doesn't come overnight and nobody interested in such people who are not trustworthy. Copycats etc will always gets enough distance from publishers and if found they will get easily notified. So believe in yourself, work smartly as well as honestly. Your efforts will get recognized at some point.

If possible buy a domain and start your own blog. Write only top quality posts in your blog and do not give a chance to content which is found everywhere. My 2c.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thank you said by: Ashii
First of many congratulations Arun for taking right step.

I would like to throw my experience as well, though with boddunan. This was with one of the author who used to publish quality articles here which got quick attention of a website owner. And what? He got an immediate offer for handsome price in $$$. Though it is not a book but rather a contract to write series of article on a selected topic.

In my experience, most of such success stories comes when you have good online presence (if you are looking to earn money online). It doesn't come overnight and nobody interested in such people who are not trustworthy. Copycats etc will always gets enough distance from publishers and if found they will get easily notified. So believe in yourself, work smartly as well as honestly. Your efforts will get recognized at some point.

If possible buy a domain and start your own blog. Write only top quality posts in your blog and do not give a chance to content which is found everywhere. My 2c.

Exactly my point. Can't stress the importance of having an online presence.

I started my online career 2 years back at Hubpages. Wrote a series of business articles (I am a business management graduate so that was easy). A company's manager in UK liked my articles and wanted to use my article in his company's newsletter. He offered me 100 pounds for each article and selected 3 of my articles.

That was when I realized that if I do it correctly, then enormous amount of money can be made.

I became a full time blogger and an online entrepreneur.

Though I would like to point out that it is important that you diversify and branch out as much as possible. Like when I started out, I only used to write articles on revenue sharing sites and clients. Then I started with my own sites and made money from adsense. Then learnt to use Amazon and now I am making more from Amazon than from Adsense. I have also learnt CPA marketing now and now I do SEO/SEM/Online Branding?Reputation Management for clients.

Soon, I will launch my own Media group company offering range of services, right from SEO, SEM,website designing,business card designing to hosting services.

The idea to publish a book came to me last week, when I promoted a friends book. She wrote that book in 7 days and I took care of her promotions. Within 2 days that book had 732 sales and was in Kindle top 5 in her category for paid books.

So this would be my another step towards diversification.

Will keep everyone posted about my progress.

Btw, currently I am making a killing with hosting webinars. I posted about that experiment here:

Yesterday, I had a webinar hosted and the response was so amazing and so many people paid that paypal had to limit my account. So if you have some unique skill, make sure you play to your strengths.
wow Arun, congrats man for taking this concept of book writing!!!

you know i wrote many stories and poems behind my homework books and i would get scoldings from my teachers that instead of finishing my homework, i would rather finish a story in the last pages of my homework! haha

well, arun, since you are writing a book based on facts, i think it is better that you publish it right away; because of the fact that the techniques of earning online will differ from today to those that will come out in the future.

I just thought probably the earning bug online has bitten you...hahah :)

way to go!

Swetha Shenoy
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