There are many variety of pulses found in India. Which pulse contains very high levels of protein?
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As regards the protein contents of the pulses one can easily get all the details on the net....They are of course packed with protein and vitamins and have a lot of nutritive value .I love pulses esp moong, Rajma, and the different kinds of beans like black eyed beans and the smaller varieties like horse gram etc ...I am told that India has the largest variety of pulses grown and most people dont make use of what is easily available at home.

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All pulses are rich in protein.But the pulses which contain high protein are lentils and peanuts.

Sharmistha Banerjee
May be all pulses are full of high proteins and vitamins. Pulses are very useful for our health
All pulses are rich in protein.But the pulses which contain high protein are lentils and peanuts.

Lentils and Pulses mean the can go through this link..

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