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@ Sandhya

yes... many times.. i don't know whether you believe it or not.. but in Hostel there was a guy who lost his father at very early age, stay away from home most of the time and use to drink a lot. I don't know why but i use to talk to him, just sits next to him so that he can express him self and that day he told me that man, you are the first person who is talking to in this way... and its been years and i still have that look in my heart... and many such incidents i have been thru in my life..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Life's greatest happiness is love.If there is love we ca achieve all our goals.Love should be there in all relations.Love encourages in doing all work.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I believe that the greatest success lies in victory. Victory in love, victory in war and victory in career success.
"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved" - Victor Hugo

The great man said it all! What do you say?

I guess he is right ! To be loved by someone or many :dry: is indeed one of the greatest happiness in life . But there are other things in life which bring as much happiness as love does...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Greatest happiness lies in own conviction of being right whatever others say and getting success. Caring about others' opinion about us and whether they love or dislike us will make us mere puppets and lead no where.

As long as I feel that I am right and just, let others say what they say, like me or dislike me. This is immaterial. My own conviction is more important than others' views about me.

Let me cite Iqbal- Khudi ko kar buland itna ki har taqdeer se pahle khuda bande se poochhe Bata teri raza kya hai

Raise your conviction so high that God will seek your consent before writing your fate.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved" - Victor Hugo

The great man said it all! What do you say?

I guess he is right ! To be loved by someone or many :dry: is indeed one of the greatest happiness in life . But there are other things in life which bring as much happiness as love does...

I won't equate that with any other happiness. I remember quite distinctly a pix showing Mother Teresa softly touching the face of a dying old and his magical reaction of great happiness written all over his face even when his hours were numbered!!
"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved" - Victor Hugo

The great man said it all! What do you say?

I guess he is right ! To be loved by someone or many :dry: is indeed one of the greatest happiness in life . But there are other things in life which bring as much happiness as love does...

I won't equate that with any other happiness. I remember quite distinctly a pix showing Mother Teresa softly touching the face of a dying old and his magical reaction of great happiness written all over his face even when his hours were numbered!!

Of course, I too remember some of those pictures connected with her ...Love is the most powerful emotion which can also can give rise to other emotions as strong...For a poor starving man , money means more than anything else and can give the greatest of happiness.
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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved" - Victor Hugo

The great man said it all! What do you say?

I guess he is right ! To be loved by someone or many :dry: is indeed one of the greatest happiness in life . But there are other things in life which bring as much happiness as love does...

I won't equate that with any other happiness. I remember quite distinctly a pix showing Mother Teresa softly touching the face of a dying old and his magical reaction of great happiness written all over his face even when his hours were numbered!!

Of course, I too remember some of those pictures connected with her ...Love is the most powerful emotion which can also can give rise to other emotions as strong...For a poor starving man , money means more than anything else and can give the greatest of happiness.

Doubtless! It's the most eternal and natural - to be very honest! There are successes at different points down the line of this mortal journey but win in
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love should rank as the highest!
"Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved" - Victor Hugo

The great man said it all! What do you say?

I guess he is right ! To be loved by someone or many :dry: is indeed one of the greatest happiness in life . But there are other things in life which bring as much happiness as love does...

I won't equate that with any other happiness. I remember quite distinctly a pix showing Mother Teresa softly touching the face of a dying old and his magical reaction of great happiness written all over his face even when his hours were numbered!!

Of course, I too remember some of those pictures connected with her ...Love is the most powerful emotion which can also can give rise to other emotions as strong...For a poor starving man , money means more than anything else and can give the greatest of happiness.

Doubtless! It's the most eternal and natural - to be very honest! There are successes at different points down the line of this mortal journey but win in

love should rank as the highest!

I suppose so, since love is the central theme to ones very existence, it has to be given its due!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Love being the greatest happiness is true but there are instances where one has other priorities than love and being loved is hardly a matter of concern for them. This is a phase of life.

Live in the present :)
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