Almost all the religious scriptures and texts are of the opinion that everything in life is pre destined ...

However, I find that hard to believe simply because our maker wouldn't plan or let people do and get away with things like murder, terrorism, torture, corruption etc etc.I tend to believe that life is just a matter of chain reaction.

Like for example, when we throw a stone into a pool there are ripples and when we throw many stones at the same time, there are many ripples all of which have some effect or the other on each other...similarly in life every event tends to effect us either within our family or outside ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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This topic was discussed a few days back. I think, that topic was started by Sanjeev. Yet, no problem. :cheer:
We can discuss it again..... Isn't it Sanjeev? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I believe some actions are predetermined while majority of them are not.
If you believe in destiny, you have to believe some actions will occur pre-determined. Otherwise not at all

Meera sandhu
Nothing is predetermined. Even our birth and death is not predetermined. Things could happen in any way. Things will happen in nay way. This is a matter or permutations and combinations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.
Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.

This is self contradictory. If it depends on us how we shall do and what, how life is predetermined. Then this depends on us.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Nothing is predetermined. Even our birth and death is not predetermined. Things could happen in any way. Things will happen in nay way. This is a matter or permutations and combinations.

I too would go with that idea. ..If we accept the theory of karma and destiny, then the theory of evolution would have no meaning and that is the only scientifically proven fact we have about life on earth..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Our actions shape our destiny. Though luck plays an important factor at times. :)

Live in the present :)
Our actions shape our destiny. Though luck plays an important factor at times. :)

May be to a certain extent ! Life when we look at it is nothing but a series of actions and our actions reflect our choice !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.

That is only if you believe in astrology which is again something that has not been proven ....So does it mean that we simply sit back and let life take over ! That can never happen because we have to live and to live we have to eat and to eat we have to earn and so on...This entire process of life can never be predicted ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes life is pre-destined. In astrology everything is predictable. It depends on us how we will do and what we will do.

That is only if you believe in astrology which is again something that has not been proven ....So does it mean that we simply sit back and let life take over ! That can never happen because we have to live and to live we have to eat and to eat we have to earn and so on...This entire process of life can never be predicted ...

For me life is every day effort and struggle if every thing is predestined, we should sleep on a bed and every thing would take shape the way it was predestined. :laugh: I would be the happiest man if it's so.

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I do not subscribe to the theory of 'pre-determinism'! Rather my thoughts and beliefs are predicated upon 'cause and effect' relationship. To put it straight - as you sow so you reap!
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