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Actually dark chocolate is good for skin, it gives a special shine and glow to the skin itseems

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Eat a little bit of dark chocolate everyday and it can fight tooth decay.

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Sharmistha Banerjee
Chocolate is good. But what about sugar added to it? Can anyone clear my doubt please????

Yes Sandhya and there is one more question i want to add it along with yours. Dark chocolates no doubt can be good for health but does our indian temperature can sustain it properly. As far as i know such kind of stuff was invented to keep the body warm which countries like USA or canada needed because of their temperature. Now in our case , temperature and life style will only add to more heat in body which i think will only cause more problems rather than solving it...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
Yes, dark chocolates is good for heart as well as it avoids cancer also.Every one says to eat a bit of chocolate every day.
Dark chocolate has many benefits.It helps to reduce the strokes.Massaging the body with dark chocolate serve good nutrition to our skin.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I don't know uses of dark chocolate but after reading the forum posts i came to know about dark chocolate..

Thank You,
Vyas :(

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improve kidney, bowel function and sexual performance, and treat anemia and gout.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Wow, I got know a new thing about dark chocolate through this forum. Actually am great lover of chocolates and my mom wonlt let me to have chocolates. I will tell her about this and I will have chocolates :)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Dark chocolates has many benefits which are shown here. Now I would also prefer to take it with kids.
Dark chocolates are good for skin, i read this in newspaper. I even heard that there are darkchocolates with less content of sugar are available in the market.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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