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!!! Why they thinks like that? Has something happened? any incident or something like that?

What do you feel when you see a child suffering from polio? :blink:

Yesterday i saw a kid crawling on the ground as he was suffering from Polio :evil: i was upset to see him and was cursing his parents for not taking precautions as these days Polio is not a big disease if we give polio drops to the kid on regular basis. :blink: But still there are parents who take risk with the future of their kids. :evil:

Then you should feel happy that our country is declared Polio free.

A few years back, 3 or 4, one incident was really shocking.......
I doubt if it's polio...I am not absolutely 80% sure

Some kids of kerala died soon after giving the drops in a government hospital Kerala.

Meera sandhu
What do you feel when you see a child suffering from polio? :blink:

Yesterday i saw a kid crawling on the ground as he was suffering from Polio :evil: i was upset to see him and was cursing his parents for not taking precautions as these days Polio is not a big disease if we give polio drops to the kid on regular basis. :blink: But still there are parents who take risk with the future of their kids. :evil:

Then you should feel happy that our country is declared Polio free.

A few years back, 3 or 4, one incident was really shocking.......
I doubt if it's polio...I am not absolutely 80% sure

Some kids of kerala died soon after giving the drops in a government hospital Kerala.

Do you beleive it that our country is Polio free?.I don't actually what is claimed by our government sometimes not true.I think there are still cases of Polio but they never are reported. :evil:
I don't know how much true it is.. But if this report is wrong then surely it is bad thing.. Hiding such thing just to make records better !!!

Polio is infectious disease. I feel very bad about it.
Polio vaccination is one of the recommended childhood vaccination should begin during infancy.

Be positive
Polio is infectious disease. I feel very bad about it.
Polio vaccination is one of the recommended childhood vaccination should begin during infancy.

Polio vaccination is easily available every where.Polio drops are free from government then too people become careless and risk their kids. :evil:
Polio vaccination is very important. Every parent, should never forget to give vaccination to their child.

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oh.. I was happy after hearing this thing.. And now hearing that its a fake report !!! How sad.

Of course there are cases which are never been reported. :blink:

And many of the cases are not registered to make records better. :blink:

You see my brother is in charge of this operation in WUP. He tells me that many people still protest and never use the drop also the drops are not properly used in prescribed way.

But why do they protest? :blink:

May be they are not told well about the effects of Polio drops. :)

Because they think the government is trying to make them incompetent in producing children.

Yes it may be the reason but these people are different from normal people and are like cut off from society.I don't there would be any person who does not know about polio. :blink:

They think this is some thing against their religion and never allow their children Polio drops. They are the most sufferers in such cases.

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Now India is saying that we are polio free country.
I feel that how parents sitting in this world could neglect their child.Many camps are set up every year everywhere for giving polio.Then why parents wont take their child to those camp to feed one drop of polio.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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