What do you feel when you see a child suffering from polio? :blink:

Yesterday i saw a kid crawling on the ground as he was suffering from Polio :evil: i was upset to see him and was cursing his parents for not taking precautions as these days Polio is not a big disease if we give polio drops to the kid on regular basis. :blink: But still there are parents who take risk with the future of their kids. :evil:
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What do you feel when you see a child suffering from polio? :blink:

Yesterday i saw a kid crawling on the ground as he was suffering from Polio :evil: i was upset to see him and was cursing his parents for not taking precautions as these days Polio is not a big disease if we give polio drops to the kid on regular basis. :blink: But still there are parents who take risk with the future of their kids. :evil:

It is so easy these days to give polio drops to children since all primary health centers run by the government has them and it is free ! On top of that every year there is a pulse polio program run by the government ..But people take many things for granted including their children's health .It is really sad because children have to suffer life long because of this negligent attitude by the parents !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

What do you feel when you see a child suffering from polio? :blink:

Yesterday i saw a kid crawling on the ground as he was suffering from Polio :evil: i was upset to see him and was cursing his parents for not taking precautions as these days Polio is not a big disease if we give polio drops to the kid on regular basis. :blink: But still there are parents who take risk with the future of their kids. :evil:

It is so easy these days to give polio drops to children since all primary health centers run by the government has them and it is free ! On top of that every year there is a pulse polio program run by the government ..But people take many things for granted including their children's health .It is really sad because children have to suffer life long because of this negligent attitude by the parents !

That's true they even come to home to give the polio drops but still people take it so lightly and sometimes miss it. :evil:
That's really sad, and I think those parents should take care of this normal but important thing. Its really sad situation for kids.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
That's really sad, and I think those parents should take care of this normal but important thing. Its really sad situation for kids.

I was really sad to see that baby it was just of 2~3 years old. :(
I can understand your feeling SJ... Parents should understand the importance of this thing.. That child have to suffer for his whole life.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
I can understand your feeling SJ... Parents should understand the importance of this thing.. That child have to suffer for his whole life.

And that too because of his/her parents i don't know how will he react when he grows up and understand it. :blink:
Yes.. Its not his /her fault at all.. Reaction will be really sad.

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
Yes.. Its not his /her fault at all.. Reaction will be really sad.

Yes its totally his parent's fault for which he is going to suffer for his whole life.I don't know why people take this so lightly when every Pulse polio program is well promoted every time. :blink:
I have heard that last year there was no case of polio in our country .. Is it true?

ANDROIOS: http://androios-tweaks.blogspot.com
I have heard that last year there was no case of polio in our country .. Is it true?

may be this is fake report many of the cases still are not reported. :blink:
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