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The complete layout we see is terrific and hats off to the programmers.

Ronark have you any idea about privacy?

Sunilji is having idea about privacy.

Want to make each day Accountable

Ronark that means you have to say hats off to admin, he is the programmer :):):p

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ronark that means you have to say hats off to admin, he is the programmer :):):p

I already thanked Maverick for creating such layout.

Want to make each day Accountable

yes this is a new look and looking good with some extra features.
Many defects are still there.....

Now also, I am seeing a little problem with showing new is not readable as before.....(that green font). Also, for our own posts also, it's showing new, which is not at all necessary. Isn't it?
If we are at second page.....clicking on 'Recent topics' tab, is not bringing us to 1st page...only a refreshment of second page...

Friends....can you check both these things please?????

Meera sandhu
Now also...even after we read new posts in a thread, it's not refreshing. So, it becomes a little difficult to identify which threads have we opened and not.

Meera sandhu
To be frank enough I am not impressed with these cosmetic changes! It's giving a strange look!
To be frank enough I am not impressed with these cosmetic changes! It's giving a strange look!

Yes, I agree...
Only one thing I liked is the addition of 'Thank you'.

Now, it's more inconvenient to work in forums

Meera sandhu
I cannot understand meaning of this line Thank you received 17.....
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
I cannot understand meaning of this line Thank you received 17.....

Hoping you understand it now :P :P
I have given you your first Thank you, to make you understand. :P :P :P
Now below your Thank you is also shown.

A request...
Can you please give your name in your profile, so that we can communicate easily?

Meera sandhu
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