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God has no voice.He just sometimes stay around us to indicate about our wrong decision and some time we stop ourselves doing anything wrong.

Sharmistha Banerjee
did anyone of you hear God's original voice?

i dont mean through some one, really one to one

will God talk like that?

can we hear the voice?

what do you all think about that?

Read holy scripts regularly where there are lord's words. Keep the habit of reading bible regularly.

Born to express, not to impress.
God is hypothetical entity said to be omnipresent, omnipotent and formless. Nobody has ever seen or heard him. So, there can be no idea about his voice.

That's a right answer and to the point. I liked it.
God is hypothetical entity said to be omnipresent, omnipotent and formless. Nobody has ever seen or heard him. So, there can be no idea about his voice.

That's a right answer and to the point. I liked it.

I also like the answer of Gulshan Kumar Sir. God is formless.
Even though we are unable to see GOD, but we are not hidden with their indications.

Want to make each day Accountable

Even though we are unable to see GOD, but we are not hidden with their indications.


Your voice also nowadays rarely hearing to us. why less participation in forums. Busy with other things?
did anyone of you hear God's original voice?

i dont mean through some one, really one to one

will God talk like that?

can we hear the voice?

what do you all think about that?

It all depends on how keen you are to hear Gods voice, imagination is powerful and so is belief which might even make you hear Gods voice imagined,real or whatever else...however,personally speaking I have no belief nor any great wish to hear any voice since as far as I am concerned God and religion is a man made institution which evolved with time and need...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Even though we are unable to see GOD, but we are not hidden with their indications.


Your voice also nowadays rarely hearing to us. why less participation in forums. Busy with other things?

Mary, not busy, but just like that not participating. Sometimes, when i get interest and sometimes not.
Before I was a Moderator, now i am not. So, not feeling good.

Want to make each day Accountable

God voice is the belief of some people. If we always thinking something, it appear like happening. It is pshchology base.
Our voice from the heart is the gods voice.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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