If someone narrowly escape from an accident people say it a luck but there are people who say it asa coincidence. what is the difference basically?. :blink:
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I dont tell it as a coincidence it is a luck which god gave another life to us.

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If someone narrowly escape from an accident people say it a luck but there are people who say it asa coincidence. what is the difference basically?. :blink:

It can be both Sanjeev.
Actually many questions are there still unanswered!!!

Meera sandhu
This is neither this is his Karma that saved him. Otherwise he could have gone despite all the luck. HE is looking over him.

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yes, it is our luck, and got saved us i feel. But some people feel that their expired parents came and saved them

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it can be said as coincidence also or luck too or may be god's way of teaching you something or your good karma or someone's prayer for you..

it can be coincidence or luck both we can consider. I always feel its because of our karma. god save him from the accident. :)

Exactly just because we did so many good jobs that HE thought we deserved to be here for some more time.

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Yes,everyone thinks that God was with us and because of our good deeds we are saved.
Coincidence means that incident was going to occur and it has occured to him/her.

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Agreed as they say you are here because he sent you here and you are there because he called you back. So unless he called us back who can take us away?

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The incident which is definitely going to occur is a Coincidence.

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