I have seen most of our members using blogspot.com for there blogging.
As we all are here in Boddunan To make some money and to popular this site at high level we have to work for boddunan also.
So when Boddunan will start earning more we will be getting more revenue sharing .
The most earning opportunity will start when Boddunan will get approved from adsense revenue sharing.

So from next time if you like to write something in your blog you can start writing in blognagar.com

This is easy and you can have your blogready with in 10 minutes.
You can check I have started blogging there.


where youc an show your any kind of ads such as Google adsense,bidvertiser,kontera,infolinks any thing
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Ya... I have also started a new blog at blognagar..
Have a look..


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If I write in my blog, I shall not be able to write in Boddunan. What is preferable ?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]If I write in my blog, I shall not be able to write in Boddunan. What is preferable ?[/quote]

If you are looking for an instance credit on your articles, prefer boddunan. If you want to maintain your personal blog and take care of advertising etc, go for blognagar.

Since both have their own advantages and disadvantages, you are the person to choose which one you have to prefer.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I have a doubt then.When Boddunan gets adsense approval which will be better.An instant payment+adsense share from there ?

Visit my blogs:

Obviously, instance credit + adsense revenue share is better. Boddunan will be advantageous at that time.

However you should note the point that you will be eligible for part of the adsense revenue share and not 100% (May be around 90%) which blognagar allows now.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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