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Any one with simple reasoning can calculate the source of points, every thing is here in accounts.

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but for how long one will be able to do so as one day the articles will be finished and even their our other ways also of earning points except article reading,forum and writing articles.even by poll section,by product review by quiz also one can gain points so until and unless we dont know exactly how the person has gained point we should not say anything.i saw the member who is top in the leader board and i saw in award section that he has been awarded for top voter many times this week so he may have scored by voting also.
And if gaining points from reading article is wrong than admin should make a rule like for opening an article and for staying on that page for maximum of 2-3 mins then only one will get 1 point as like the rules for click per ads.

So doubt is clear and clicking on article is not wrong to get points.Isn't it?
So doubt is clear and clicking on article is not wrong to get points.Isn't it?

Nothing is clear until and unless someone from the administration comes out to clear doubts!
So doubt is clear and clicking on article is not wrong to get points.Isn't it?

even i do click on articles and whatever i find useful and important for me i put it in the list of my favourites by clicking the hit button above on them.i also dont comment on articles but i click on hit buttons.most of the times when i saw any recipe i suddenly click on the article to read there is nothing wrong i think.and if it has been misused then admin can make a rule even i suggested one above.

So doubt is clear and clicking on article is not wrong to get points.Isn't it?

Nothing is clear until and unless someone from the administration comes out to clear doubts![/quote]
Let wait for their response.
If that be the rule ,the administration must do some serious thinking on the apparent absence of logic in the existence of such a rule and discard it. After a rule is intended to ensure a healthy,level-playing field and if it doesn't meet its purpose, it needs to be suitably modified or discarded keeping in mind the sentiments of the majority of members!
If that be the rule ,the administration must do some serious thinking on the apparent absence of logic in the existence of such a rule and discard it. After a rule is intended to ensure a healthy,level-playing field and if it doesn't meet its purpose, it needs to be suitably modified or discarded keeping in mind the sentiments of the majority of members!

Huh "matter of sentiment". :S

It looks just a matter of sentiments as there is no intervention of admin there and i think there is nothing wrong in just clicking and viewing articles :laugh: .It hardly matters who tops and who does not at the last there should be an enjoyment and a sportsmanship which i experience it. :)
If that be the rule ,the administration must do some serious thinking on the apparent absence of logic in the existence of such a rule and discard it. After a rule is intended to ensure a healthy,level-playing field and if it doesn't meet its purpose, it needs to be suitably modified or discarded keeping in mind the sentiments of the majority of members!

Huh "matter of sentiment". :S

It looks just a matter of sentiments as there is no intervention of admin there and i think there is nothing wrong in just clicking and viewing articles :laugh: .It hardly matters who tops and who does not at the last there should be an enjoyment and a sportsmanship which i experience it. :)

Enjoying at someone's expense!!
If that be the rule ,the administration must do some serious thinking on the apparent absence of logic in the existence of such a rule and discard it. After a rule is intended to ensure a healthy,level-playing field and if it doesn't meet its purpose, it needs to be suitably modified or discarded keeping in mind the sentiments of the majority of members!

Huh "matter of sentiment". :S

It looks just a matter of sentiments as there is no intervention of admin there and i think there is nothing wrong in just clicking and viewing articles :laugh: .It hardly matters who tops and who does not at the last there should be an enjoyment and a sportsmanship which i experience it. :)

Enjoying at someone's expense!!

:evil: :evil: :evil: Anyone's expenese i did not say it.

I enjoy it by interacting with my online friends. :)
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