5 days before i have posted mobile reviews. But still it shows pending approval. when it will be approved.

Vijay U
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I think you should wait atleast one week then post anything to forum. you direct email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so it will retain good impression for boddunan.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Me reviews are also pending approval.. The editors maybe busy..
Lets see...

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Reviews approvals require a minimum 7 days time. Please wait till they get approved.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Sometimes they get approved within 2 days. Some times they didn't get approved till 1 week. Why so much confusion for the members in this regard. So boddunan should follow strict rules in this aspect. I am checking mobile review section every day atleast 2 times for new articles. So to avoid this, boddunan should follow some guidelines.....

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Agree. When it started it is empty. To show few sample reviews, we need the new ones to approve faster and hence we did that. Now we are taking bit more time. Anyway I will make a note of it and try to reduce the approval time guidelines.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Thanks Maverick..

Cool information and hot earnings @
hai Maverick,

I have continously watching the mobile reviews section for 10 days. But there is no update. When will you update new reviews.

Vijay U
Hi Vijay,

I am also viewing mobile reviews section from the past few days. They are updated on March 9th. Now it is march 21st. I don't why so much delay for this section ??

Cool information and hot earnings @
I want to know why It takes long time to get approve Mobile reviews i am seeing this for very long time.
Being not posted any reviews in this category I don't know the delay time.But waiting for one week is too heavy.

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