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Count : 129
IC : 34
Computer == Machine

Computer is an electronic machine.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Count 130
IC 37

Machine == Washing Machine.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count 131

washing Machine <=> Clothes
Count 132


Lee is company of clothes brand
LEE= famous brand

i like to be brand ambasdor for this !!!!!!!!
Pradeep, please make a note of the count...

Count 134
IC 38

Lee == Brett Lee ;)

Again came back to cricket!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count 135

Brett Lee==Shane Lee

Shane lee is younger brother of Brett Lee
Count 136

Shane Lee *** Bruce Lee
Count 137

IC 39

Bruce Lee == Spike Lee

Shelton Jackson "Spike" Lee is an American film director, producer, writer and actor

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count: 138
IC : 35

Spike Lee == Hollywood

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
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