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Oh no, I forgot to go there again. I was too busy writing articles. I completed 9 until now today. I must add one more to reach my target.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Here are few ways two ways to earn money.

Make points here by doing activities:

1.Particpate in forums and earn 5 points/post
3.Attend poll and get 1 point /poll
3.View articles and get 1 point/article

Write articles/Reveiws and get cash awards & points once they are approved and published.

Attend as many as polls/day and can get 25 Rs as top voter of the day.

Be on leader board and get award/week.

Total points that are accumulated in a month decide the share we get from the site/month. :)

''Thanks Sanjeev, this is a helpful answer''
I hope you shall start doing it from today. Or have you already started? All the best.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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