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[quote]We do not know the purpose why God (whatever this means) made man. As we do not know the purpose, let God alone bother and let us feel relaxed.[/quote]
We can not predict it from before and purpose may change time to time.
[quote]We do not know the purpose why God (whatever this means) made man. As we do not know the purpose, let God alone bother and let us feel relaxed.

We can not predict it from before and purpose may change time to time.[/quote]

Yes, of course, we can't predict anything as any purpose may change from time to time. Do perform as situation wants

Meera sandhu
Make your loved ones happy, be happy and help the needy in every possible way
[quote]Make your loved ones happy, be happy and help the needy in every possible way[/quote]
This is your greatness.Thanks.
What is the purpose of human life..Please do share your views. :cheer: :)

Has anyone find the correct answer to this question?
I doubt so.

Live and let live. I believe in this principle

What was the purpose of your life at the moment you were born. Definitely none. Hence, life is a natural event and there can be no purpose of life as such. However, you may seek some purpose later in your life. That is really not purpose by a way you decide to love.

also, we may make our dreams our goals and make them as the purpose of our life. So, we are deciding our own purposes. Am I not right, Sir?

Absolutely right. But conceptually, purpose of any thing- even life, should be before bringing the thing in existence. So, purpose of your life should be there before you were born. To elucidate, purpose of a bulb is to provide light. This is known even before making bulb. Similarly, purpose of life, if any, should arise before birth and not after.

But, how is it possible? :silly: :blink: :dry:
I don't think we can describe our own purposes before our birth. :blink:

Human beings are not supposed to know purpose of life. Only maker or doer can tell purpose. You did not make yourself and so you had no purpose in bringing your own life to the world.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Every thing is important in life. Money reputation, fame and all the facilities of the world are required to make one happy.

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Hai Arpit Lal welcome to the family of Boddunan.
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