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Over confidence is always a bad thing as people take everything granted and get failed due to this confidence. :)
Anything taken over is not at all good. So over confidence is not at all good. confidence is best.

If it is more cool outside, it creats problem to us and if it is more hot out side it also creates problem to us.

anything in limit and balanced state is good for everyone.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We must have self-confidence.

Over confidence is not bad thing.

“Overconfidence blurs out the risk. Inferiority magnifies it.”

Be positive
well said vaishu.

Over confidence is not a bad thing but it should be in control and we should be alert in our deeds. IF with over confidence we become care which is very dangerous thats why people say overconfidence is bad.

WE should always balance in our confidence

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It's just confidence! Neither over or under! Rather the show of over confidence is a manifestation of lack of confidence!
Over confidence is not a bad thing but not also a good thing we must have only confidence but not over.
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Over confidence is not a bad thing but not also a good thing we must have only confidence but not over.

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Yes Chinmoy jee every one must have confidence but it not be over as it may give negative results.
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Yes Chinmoy jee every one must have confidence but it not be over as it may give negative results.

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I will say one example my friend is first in clasee he had lot of over confidence he will become again first in class but unfortunately he became second because of over confidence he lost concentration on studies.

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