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Friends, what do you think, is this good to have overconfidence or havin balanced self confidence is enough?

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Over confidence is often irrational hope that the positive result would be achieved without correct evaluation of own strength and other parameters. One must first see the object, assess the strength and weakness and work out method. If properly planned, confidence will work. Confidence without adequate planning is over confidence that proves often disastrous.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks sir, I also think the same. But people with overconfidence want others to follow them in right and wrong, that is over confidence for me.

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Having confidence is good, but surely it's not same when we talk about over confidence. ... It can lead us to almost wrong way.

And underestimating others is certainly bad. that may harm us no end up.

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Of course .... And people always underestimates other in this over confidence .. It is related.

Of course .... And people always underestimates other in this over confidence .. It is related.

There lies the problem. This is all right, you should be doing things your own way but not feeling that you are the only one who is right. all others are know nothing.

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Even Amruth taken in excess turns to poison. Confidence is good. Actually, we need some confidence and trust in ourselves, to do our own things. But overconfidence may ruin everything. Pride is its another form

Meera sandhu
That is the point in question, overconfidence always topples the cart.

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Self confidence is good but over confidence may carry danger sometimes.
It can give worse effect in most of the cases.

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