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Thanks MC...
Congrats for all your achievement Lohit....All the best....

These results of yours are the inspiration for new users.....

Thank you Boddunan

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Very nice to see the news with copies of cheques. Hope for best performance in future.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But recently the news came out is really a shame.Hope you will get rid off from the black mark and do well again.

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I agree with abid. Graceful failure is better than fraudulent success.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am very sad at this turn of events.I find a majority of the members of this site to be broad and appreciative in their minds and never fail to put in a good word for any good deed. In fact the thread which started was purely accidental.While logging into the site I found the comment section of the home page to be full of expletives and I was really dumbfounded.Later I learnt that Mr.Kumar Babu Bisani was the target and he was being accused of copying word for word of a story written by someone else in orkut. I immediately asked him through a comment to clarify but he just kept mum.At least Lohit displayed the courage to own up his mistake and come clean in future but this gentleman never made even an apology of an attempt to say sorry!!
Yes accepting the sin really reflects the heart of the doer.What Lohit done is appreciative.I don't know about the other man.He had wrote a lot of article I think.

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This post is so encouraging. nice to see u. keep it up :) :)
All will be encouraged by this discussion.All members here wish to get a cheque and you got a lot.
Hey friend, I wish you all the best and achieve your goal and fulfill your dreams.
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