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13 years ago
There is no use discussing a topic which we can not a suggest a remedy to. This is Indian leadership's hunger of vote bank that would never find a solution to this particular problem.
13 years ago
Only Govt not responsible to stop this think our generation should think on it seriously and its on our hand.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
Only Govt not responsible to stop this think our generation should think on it seriously and its on our hand.
Our government can make a law and restrict number of children per couple. But they will never dare do it. As far people they stick to it who wants to keep things under control. But......
13 years ago
I don't think so.By population we have a lot of human power which is to be utilised suitably.
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13 years ago
Why any Govt will put restriction to reduce his vote bank so we need to think on it there is no other way dear.
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
In China, laws are a little more strict. They have a book similar to our ration card, which is compulsory for every thing. For the first child, they will get it free. But for the second child onwards, they have to pay huge amount to get that book(exception for twins). Why can't India also implement such measures?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
I think Indian Govt is not concentrating on this issue that is the reason they are not doing anything Govt will response only if any big thing will happen .
Santosh Kumar Singh
13 years ago
I think Indian Govt is not concentrating on this issue that is the reason they are not doing anything Govt will response only if any big thing will happen .
Yes absolutely! Many things India have to learn from chinese Government. Isn't it?
There, each family is a factory producing any electronic goods. But what about our country?
Many people face lot of difficulties if they want to start any small industry here...also, have to give a lot of bribery to get it sanctioned. Isn't it?
Meera sandhu
13 years ago
India is in trouble due to corruption, inflation and backwardness. Population problem is also in China but it is a developed country. They don't beg infront of other countries either for help or loans or grants.
13 years ago
India is in trouble due to corruption, inflation and backwardness. Population problem is also in China but it is a developed country. They don't beg infront of other countries either for help or loans or grants.
China is a developing country, not developed country. I think so :unsure:
Meera sandhu
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