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Why adopt a child, you are not married yet. Wait for your own.

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My wife is a small one and she is lack of blood when we try for pregnant this may cause harm to her life I dont like that so adopting is good for us.

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I am sorry to hear that. Yes in that case adopt a child. A girl child, that will be good for her and you both.

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Pregnancy is not a problems when this time means it will be difficult to give born.

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Pregnancy is not a problems when this time means it will be difficult to give born.

Don't worry yaar. Technology has advanced very fast. You two are so young. So, no need to worry. Wait for a couple of years till she becomes healthy. Everything will be OK. I am saying :)

Meera sandhu
Yes so that we are not having any plan now. We want to settle now and plan for a child.

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The main theme of this thread is lost. Here we are no discussing issues like corruption, greatness of Indian culture, traditions or history. Here the plain issue is that our population is bigger than what the natural resources including land can sustain. Density of population is thicker than China. We need to control population. That is all.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Gulshan ji that is the main aim first in front of us. Now a days this is controlled some what I think.

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[quote]Also, In china, people can't own land. They are living on lease. All land is owned by Government. Is it good or bad? What's your opinion?

Is it? I am hearing this first time.

Is this is true.?? :huh: :ohmy:[/quote]

The issue of population is related to availability of natural resources. Ownership pattern is not significant. Public or private, best utilization of resources is most significant. We may solve our population problem to a great extent by building community assets in preference to individual assets. The community buildings, parks, sanitation facility etc. can be most economically used. The same strategy needs be adopted for transportation.

If China is adopting policy of community ownership of land and its use on lease, this is best. In case of individual ownership, any land holdings may be under utilized or remain vacant.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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