Hello Friends, i want to say that there should be a cash cum points award for every person after getting approved every 30 articles. Cash Award should be decided by boddunan team and cash award should be according to the quality of those 30 articles. What do you think friends..?
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I agree. The criterion should be objective and not subjective. How to determine quality?. I think that the thirty articles having earned cash Rs. 800/- minimum should be considered for award.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Let see gulshan what maverick say.. for this
It is good suggestion.But it should be well discussed before introduction and also should not be subjective.

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This is very good point but let's see what the moderators say on this because 800/- is very high i think...

This will also make the members to post good quality articles and the number of articles will also increase...

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As Abid said, this is a very grey area and needs further discussion and analysis before putting into pilot.

Agree with you all of you that that should not be subjective and quality should play important role.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

yes agree with with you maverick, so you can go with this..
Thanks to Maverick for supporting my view.But the idea will boost the pace of writing quality articles.

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Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]Thanks to Maverick for supporting my view.But the idea will boost the pace of writing quality articles.[/quote]

Yes that's really true and hope this will make Boddunan an abode of quality articles... :)

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
Once again for your appreciating lines.At present many articles are there, but quality matters.That is why I shared my opinion.

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The amount of Rs. 800/- for thirty articles may be on high side. This can be reduced. Supposing that average earning per article is Rs. 20/-, the amount will be Rs. 600/-. So, the suggestion could be implemented by lowering the amount to Rs. 600/-. We are just suggesting. This is for management to arrive at a decision.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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