Recently one of my friend had an accident :( .He was going back to his home from office and hit by a car.He fell down and broke his arm. :( He kept lying there for 5~10 minutes on the road but no body took the pain to ask him anything and took him to hospital and height is he called ne by his mobile and asked me to come to the spot and take him to hospital i went and admitted him to nearby hospital. :(

What do you think is humanity still left in people or is getting lesser and lesser day by day :angry: with time and making people more selfish?. :angry:
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Yes, Sanjeev we are becoming more selfish. At least a mobile was there in your friend's hand and he was able to speak to you. ...But there is one point.

Everyone fear of police cases....that's why people are not coming forward to help a person in accident.

Meera sandhu
Actually this is not police not alone in this matter but people are too short on time and they want to avoid getting in to matter that will make them loose time, money and undue court witness and not to mention formalities those take to go through in such cases.

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@ Sandhya & Suny : No doubt every one wants to avoid Police cases and other formalities as the rules are so strict these days.But one has to see if person is OK or dying.There are people who die in road accidents due to delays.I think the life of a person is far more important than any other thing.
@ Sandhya & Suny : No doubt every one wants to avoid Police cases and other formalities as the rules are so strict these days.But one has to see if person is OK or dying.There are people who die in road accidents due to delays.I think the life of a person is far more important than any other thing.

Yes....I think things have changed very least people inform police nowadays

Meera sandhu
@ Sandhya & Suny : No doubt every one wants to avoid Police cases and other formalities as the rules are so strict these days.But one has to see if person is OK or dying.There are people who die in road accidents due to delays.I think the life of a person is far more important than any other thing.

Yes....I think things have changed very least people inform police nowadays

I think just informing Police and leaving the injured person on the road and wait for Police is OK when the person is not much injured but when the person is seriously injured and is kept waiting for Police to come i suppose is not the best thing.
yes, Day by day the humanity is getting reduced in the world.
Recently there is sensation about a video which is recorded in the CC camera at china.A girl is playing on the road, suddenly a truck dashed her and she fallen on the road. then no one has stood to save her by taking her to hospital atleast they didnt even move her aside as she is middle of the road.In the mean while 2 trucks have went on her legs. 18 vehicles went on the road after this accident. then a women going has moved her aside so that no vehicles struck her. Then after so much time , her parents found her and they took her to hospital. After the treatment doctors told that she will be alive but her mind is dead and her legs wont work.

this shows the reduction of humanity in people

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, Day by day the humanity is getting reduced in the world.
Recently there is sensation about a video which is recorded in the CC camera at china.A girl is playing on the road, suddenly a truck dashed her and she fallen on the road. then no one has stood to save her by taking her to hospital atleast they didnt even move her aside as she is middle of the road.In the mean while 2 trucks have went on her legs. 18 vehicles went on the road after this accident. then a women going has moved her aside so that no vehicles struck her. Then after so much time , her parents found her and they took her to hospital. After the treatment doctors told that she will be alive but her mind is dead and her legs wont work.

this shows the reduction of humanity in people

Oh yes i also saw that video and cried. :( It was so inhuman that the first vehical driver knew it that something is obstructing rear wheel but he did not bother to see it what was there if he had seen it the girl could have saved and the second driver knowing it that girl is lying on the road just went over her legs. :sick: Oh what a shameful act that was.
Let the people be like that. But we people and the friends of us , let them make them aware to help people with humanity.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Such incidents really annoy me a lot.....
Some days before, I read an article about a girl who lost her father in this way.
She is saying, after some days a friend phoned her and said, "Actually I saw that person lying on the road in blood. But if I knew that it was your father, I would definitely have taken him to hospital".
Yes....people are becoming more self centered

Meera sandhu
Such incidents really annoy me a lot.....
Some days before, I read an article about a girl who lost her father in this way.
She is saying, after some days a friend phoned her and said, "Actually I saw that person lying on the road in blood. But if I knew that it was your father, I would definitely have taken him to hospital".
Yes....people are becoming more self centered

OMG that is a great example of people being selfish these days and don't bother about others.They are just concerned for themselves only. :angry:
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