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Yes.. That's why I have only sent one message so far.. I know admin have many other works too, so I won't mind in waiting. :)

Yes.. That's why I have only sent one message so far.. I know admin have many other works too, so I won't mind in waiting. :)

This is advisable to not to repeat the same message. He comes after 10Pm generally.

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okay.. I will wait for it.. Actually I have sent him mail yesterday and I guess he was online after that..

But may be he is busy little and I guess I got points today.. No worries at all.. :)

i dont know..
okay.. I will wait for it.. Actually I have sent him mail yesterday and I guess he was online after that..

But may be he is busy little and I guess I got points today.. No worries at all.. :)

:woohoo: Admins of most of the sites are busy always. :woohoo:

I think you must wait hope you will get it soon. :)
you will surely get the reply by tommarow AKP.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Just keep try to contact with the Admin.He must help you in your matter.
Okay.. I guess I will get it tomorrow as I still haven't got it..

I have not yet tried other article writing sites. will try it later.
@Mary- This is totally against the site's rule. I suggest you edit it before a moderator finds your post.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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