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Sunil.. I don't use that desktop..

And who said it only open for 6 hours and 5 days.. You are forgetting Commodity market.. :(

I thought he is using stock market, in that case yes, also Forex is open 24 hrs and it changes every second and changes fast.

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Nope he is not using forex.. but yes commodity market which open at 10am and ends 11:55pm at night.. That's why I am not getting time this week..

SJ.. Even you are going quite fast.. ha ha.

By the way... what to do after reaching minimum payout?? I mean we need to request it to admin or something?? And when we get it? (in how much time)?

Normally admin will do it. Otherwise you can send a PM.
It may take 2 months to receive your cash in hand

Did you got your first cheque in hand?! :cheer:

Not yet. I think, it will take 1 more month :(

Meera sandhu
Nope he is not using forex.. but yes commodity market which open at 10am and ends 11:55pm at night.. That's why I am not getting time this week..

Did you PM as I told you o you are planning it now? Use it that gives you good advantage.

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Yes I did it yesterday night. May be admin still haven't read my message..

Yes I did it yesterday night. May be admin still haven't read my message..

I think he is busy for last couple of days, but you must get it today some times. Best is send any message to him while he is online.

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okay.. Lets wait for today.. SJ also wait for a day and then he got it..

okay.. Lets wait for today.. SJ also wait for a day and then he got it..

Yes after a day i got it.Hope today you will get your bonus points. :)
Yes I am sure I will get it.. I will send pm again tomorrow if I will not get it today.


Dont send too many same messages to admin. He may get irritated. wait till tommarrow. Admin may be busy thats why he didnt credit the points to you.when he is free, he will surely credit.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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