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yes, I have many roles in my life, till now am perfect in good collegue, good counceller, good student,good employee, good friend

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Our roles are many and based on situations in life. Each of us needs to understand the demands of each situation and strive to play our roles perfectly!
Yes, we will be playing many roles in our life and its our responsibility to play those roles correctly in right path

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, I have many roles in my life, till now am perfect in good collegue, good counceller, good student,good employee, good friend

You are right sarala, these roles are basically done by every person. :)

Sometimes i give some advice to others and sometimes i get advice from others.It goes on.Everywhere you learn,even when you are teaching somebody else.

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Every day and every minute we learn in this earth. Everything teaches us .

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Life is a learning process,every where you learn something or other.

Want to make each day Accountable

yes, life is a learning process, so it teaches us how to be responsible for our roles

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every person who meets us will teach us a life lesson which is important to our life.

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Everyone is father to child, spouse to spouse, sibling to siblings, friend to friends, subordinate to boss and so on. There is no peculiarity. Each role must be played properly. Also, some roles may end and new may begin. So, you are in spouse role on marriage, father/ mother role on birth of a child etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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