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Now a days women are being more forward than man. The first railway locopilot women are taken charge on Womens day I read this article today in paper.

She had done a lot of hardwork to reach this success she is the first Loco pilot in railways of Andhra Pradesh.

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Now a days women are being more forward than man. The first railway locopilot women are taken charge on Womens day I read this article today in paper.

She had done a lot of hardwork to reach this success she is the first Loco pilot in railways of Andhra Pradesh.

what is Loco pilot in railways :unsure:

Meera sandhu
Loco pilot means the person who drives Engine is called a Loco pilot.

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Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani


'Vanita' is a magazine.... more like a GK on life for ladies...

hhaahah I am enjoying the confusion of Vinod between Sandhya's and Abid's candid conversations

So,Abid, the sachin of boddunan, are you happy now we have malayalis here /...... :)

swetha, thanks for clearing my doubt.. i thought that "vanita" is a person. :laugh: :laugh:

I dont know about this magazine before.. :unsure: :huh:

Sasi wrote-

[quote]Loco pilot means the person who drives Engine is called a Loco pilot.[/quote]
Nice answer.
Loco pilot means the person who drives Engine is called a Loco pilot.

I dont know this information. thanks for sharing this information. :cheer:

Sasi wrote-

[quote]Loco pilot means the person who drives Engine is called a Loco pilot.

Nice answer.[/quote]
topic title and the present discussion - what a relation ??? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Sasi wrote-

[quote]Loco pilot means the person who drives Engine is called a Loco pilot.

Nice answer.

topic title and the present discussion - what a relation ??? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:[/quote]

Yes, I agree. In most threads we are deviating from the main discussion topic

Meera sandhu
At various topics,such things are going on.Members,its better that you don't go away from the topic.

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Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
It is better to close such threads that deviates far from the discussion.

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