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Is 'Bachan' family name? It is similar to 'Bacha'- a child :woohoo:

No this was pen name of Dr Harbansh rai 'Bachchan' his father, the writer of 'Madhushala'. His family name is shrivastva.

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Can you find some more words having resemblance with any spoken word? :cheer:

Meera sandhu
We call an unknown girl as "DEVI JI" and we had a famous actress "SRIDEVI".*hehehe* :woohoo:

We call temple as "MANDIR" and we had an actress cum cricket commentrator "MANDIRA BEDI". :laugh:

PONTING = POINTING.*hehehe* :laugh:

Many more i know....
To me cow sounds like Gou both mean cow any way but one is in English another in Hindi/Sanskrit.

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Dravid is like Dravidian dinasity which we read in our history of social subject

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Dravid is like Dravidian dinasity which we read in our history of social subject

Correct!!! I also have thought like this many times...
So again a cricketer.......!!
Isn't Sachin similar to Sach...or Sachi......meaning truth in Hindi?

Meera sandhu
Every single word in any language in the world has some meanings. Even if we do not understand them but nothing is meaningless.

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the bollywood baadsha latstly is SRK - Shahrukh khan. In the name of shahrukh =shark a fish name and shahrk a jain temple name resembles

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

the bollywood baadsha latstly is SRK - Shahrukh khan. In the name of shahrukh =shark a fish name and shahrk a jain temple name resembles

Nice interpretation.
I really missed this post.
Let our friends find some more :blink:

Meera sandhu
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