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Look like you have attended one.. ha ha.

Hmmmm... i have seen it but don't ask about it.Its a very long story and will get complete i a week. :laugh: :woohoo:

Ha ha.. Than go for article about it.. :laugh: So everybody can know about it.. :P

Will try to write it but i doubt if admin will approve it may be they would not like that everybody knows this secret. :laugh:
No.. I don't think admin will not approve this.. In fact they would like to reveal this secret.. ha ha

No.. I don't think admin will not approve this.. In fact they would like to reveal this secret.. ha ha

Ok i will try and lets see what they do with it. :laugh:
By the way your pending articles got published yet or not?

By the way your pending articles got published yet or not?

No not yet they are approved but still to be published :( .Hope they get published soon.May be people are on leave today. :)
Okay.. But approved means they will be published for sure... Mine are still in pending mode??

I have read yesterday that today editors will seen all those pending articles.. Not sure.

Okay.. But approved means they will be published for sure... Mine are still in pending mode??

I have read yesterday that today editors will seen all those pending articles.. Not sure.

May be tomorrow yours will be approved because today is holiday.So keep patience and see what happens tomorrow. :)
Tell me one thing.. I had submitted one yesterday.. In that article in remark line showing Approved !! But it status line its still showing pending approval.. what is meaning of this?
And my old article still not showing anything than pending approval in status line.

Tell me one thing.. I had submitted one yesterday.. In that article in remark line showing Approved !! But it status line its still showing pending approval.. what is meaning of this?
And my old article still not showing anything than pending approval in status line.

Mine two articles which are approved also showing the same status what you told. I think they are not considered approved till they don't get live for all. :)
They why it is showing APPROVED in remarks.. And yet they are showing pending approval in status line.. Confused.

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