What are the reasons that makes a student to leave schools and involves in other activity.
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This chart shows different reasons for leaving schools in early days.

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Poverty in family compels many parents to withdraw their children from school and get them employed on petty jobs. This was a topic in one GD. There may be other causes like excessive interests in other pursuits like sports, music etc.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The main cause is poverty.Anyway nice information shared Alam.

Some times poor economy of home or old thoughts of parents can force student to leave school.
Poverty and the pressure from family due to any reason are the main and most important factor that force about25% of children to leave School in the middle.
There ard many reasons for leaving a school. Ofcourse proverty leads an important roll on this issue. Thanks for sharing this information alam.

Poverty is of course the main reason......However some leave it because they give priority to other work rather than educating themselves.......as in case of business......

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