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I will also comment that people are also equally blamed for bribe issues If they tend to employees work without any bribe this is also possible.


There is online tracking of your passport status. It is the public who have owing to sheer lethargy, saving time or for any reason facilitated system of bribe. As most people are willing to give bribe, the few others also suffer. In fact, government employees are too weak and meek. They have to dance to tune of politicians and general public most of whom may pose as street level or municipal politicians or refer to some one.

With due respect, I disagree. The example I have quoted does not mean its laziness or lethargy on people's part. The process of police verification is a mandatory part of obtaining a passport, and unless and until the money is paid to the police, the passport office does not get the required reports from the police station of the area a person lives in. The longer a person does not pay the money, the longer the delay in getting a passport, which, for many would mean a loss of a good career opportunity. In such cases, there is NO OTHER option but to pay the bribe.

And also I would not blame common people for resorting to bribery, the system is so completely seeped in corruption, you go anywhere, an RTO office, a rationing office, a local civil court to get a simple affidavit, everywhere unless you do not pay money, you won't get the required papers!

I know many govt. employees personally, who get fat salaries due to sixth pay commission and still earn double their salaries through bribes! The bribe givers are never left with any other option than to pay the asked bribes.

I agree that the position is pathetic. But the people are definitely to blame. Nobody will make complaint but take the easy route of bribing and get things done. I used to be very strict a few years back. I never paid bribe for most part of my life. Once, my father's income tax refund was being delayed and an income tax inspector was moving around to get some bribe. Hew also threatened about higher assessment of his income though he was simply a pensioner. But I made a complaint to Central Board of direct Taxes. This resulted in speedy payment of refund without any bribe. Every department has a system of complaint and grievances redress. But this cannot work if you just bribe and do not contact the complaint redress cell. Even LoK Pal of anna variety will not help unless you complain.

I may add that government employees are also like general public for their own work in other department. Thus an Income Tax or bank staff is also general public only before RTO and Passport staff. Thus the bribe givers and bribe takers both are same. Also the businessmen paying bribe also themselves indulge in adulteration, tax evasion, various frauds etc. Thus the entire society and not government employees are corrupt.[/quote]
There must be change in the people due to the encouragement of people Bribery came one major evil in society.

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There might be situations when it is not at all consensual . In fact,these are coercive. Imagaine a poor son seeking admission to government hospital of his ailing mother and he is made to pay for a bed.What else the hapless fellow can do but pay it!! And in India such cases of coercion in maximum numbers!
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