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Why can't we continue this thread, talking about those persons who have fight back against this disease and return to their normal life.
I have seen such an article in yahoo news, months before. Hoping I can get its link as soon as possible.

Why can't you post some?

Meera sandhu
Baba Ramdev is ready to treat for Yuvi. He told that cancer is treated with yoga and Ayurveda.

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HAAAAA HAAAAA RamDev baba can treat a disease like cancer not possible.
Alam it is possible if you have any doubt you can go to the hospital of Ramdev Ashramas where you can see many people who cured Cancer.

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India still unsuccessful in manufacture of drugs that can fight against a disease like cancer.Even a Drugs that can fight againt the grade one type of cancer this is really depressing to see other country successfully made that but india not made a single drugs.
Yes this is true our scientists are still doing experiments but other country scientists invented it. This will be released in next year.

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Doctor give message that Yuvi get recover within 6 month.that great news for Yuvi Lovers fan.
Some of celebrities diagnosed with cancer

Apart from them, two actresses Mamta and Lisa Rey fought against cancer and return back to their career.
Mamta got married last month while Lisa Rey got engaged the same week

Meera sandhu
That Great news and also show that both actress have a great will power.That why they fight against dangerous incurable disease like cancer.
That Great news and also show that both actress have a great will power.That why they fight against dangerous incurable disease like cancer.

Why can't you also give information about some great personalities who fight back or give their life to 'Cancer'

Meera sandhu
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