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It appears that team anna is in a blind alley. First they opposed congress and threatened to go to all five states where polls will be held. Next they postponed all their agitation. Now they are just writing letter to all and sundry.

The plain common sense is that team anna has also view like others and they are free to express themselves. This they may do through media- electronic or paper. Writing letters to all political parties is an exercise in futility The political parties cater to general public or their vote banks and not the so called civil society groups like team anna.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I too agree with Gulsanji.....Team Anna is not showing the zeal which they had when they had started the movement.....just writing letters is no good....

They all are same, no party is interested to get it passed. Every one is in to this hands in gloves, all are having their own interests involved, therefore there is no hope in a near future. The one they passed is as good as 'no lokpal'

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Team anna has threatened for bigger movement even when their movement is fading and getting irrelevant. The ex c.M. of Uttrakhand lost despite praise by team anna for passing their 'model' Lok ayukta Bill. Shiva Sena opposed the Lok pal Bill totally but wins in local elections.

It will be fit and proper that team anna either enter politics properly or let the politicians do their job. Recently subramaniam Swamy rightly commented that team anna is acting like naxalites.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It does not look like coming into existence in the foreseeable future. All are ranged against this bill!
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
According to Justice Katju, Lo Pal cannot remove corruption but will enhance this.

Very true. As long as our people do not mind giving and taking bribe for mutual adjustment, there is nothing to stop corruption. We need a cultural and social revolution and change the very mind set of people. Mere paper law will prove paper tiger.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If anna harzaray didnt took the initiative of lok pal bill then there may be no person will come out for it like anna

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If anna harzaray didnt took the initiative of lok pal bill then there may be no person will come out for it like anna

Lok Pal cannot remove corruption. Corruption is mostly consensual. Bribe taker and giver both benefit.

Moreover, any bill can be passed by MPs. But congress has been consulting outsiders groups like anna team more thereby giving them undue importance.

Now C.P.I. has questioned UPA about this. The questionnaire sent to political parties needs response just in Yes or No. This is not the way to treat political parties without whose cooperation bill cannot be passed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This fight is going on and on and still nothing is happening.
I am feeling very sad,why this lokpal bill is not initiated.

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