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There are many things which are most dangerous than bomb.At the time of 9/11 we are feared of Anthrox which is more danger than bomb it is simple no explosion but can take many lives in seconds.

i agree with you sasi. Anthrox is one of the most dangerous invention than bomb.

There are many things which are most dangerous than bomb.At the time of 9/11 we are feared of Anthrox which is more danger than bomb it is simple no explosion but can take many lives in seconds.

yes, at that time Anthrox has been sent to the people through envilops

sasikanth what is this 9/11

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

@ sarala..the attack at the twin towers of new york city in usa on 9 11 2001 is often termed as 9/11 attack.
Oh thank you for the explaining deven.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

You are most welcome sarala...i think you got confused with 9/11
sarala i think you will be studying your intermediate 1 year at that time.

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there is one or two invention that are dangerous for mankind that is parmanu bomb.
suraj can you explain me what is this parmanu bomb? I never heard of it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

suraj can you explain me what is this parmanu bomb? I never heard of it.

Sarala,he meant to say "Atom Bomb" .

Suraj,make sure you write proper english.

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