India in argentina.

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Whole article is explaining about hastinapur and argentina's people live here .I think your title is wrong it must be argentina in India.
yes isha is right title of article must be argentina in a india this is hood.
Nice article and link posted.I also agree with Isha after reading it that the heading should be like that.
it is interesting to read about such a city in the world outside india.hats off to you....
Isha i think you are right i must change from agentina in india.

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Whole article is explaining about hastinapur and argentina's people live here .I think your title is wrong it must be argentina in India.

.this city in argentina [buenous aires]..hence the name is correct....argentina in india
Thank you deepak i also dont know about the city which is in argentina.

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So now change the title sasikanth, why you left it like that with the mistake

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