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Oh chinmoy jee you had not writen poem for her so she is out of online.
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Let her enjoy in her silence!
When all moderators are in silence means who will take their responsibility.I think a lot of work is pending here.Many new people are coming to the site.

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It is a bit of a worry, and hope Maverick is aware of it and thinking his next course of action!
Nice to learn that Swetha logged in and went by and many new members are joining the site...! :)
When she is busy she can post a message in the forums so we all will know about her.

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yes, most of our members declare in forums that they are busy for few days for few months. so that we wont miss them. I think swetha didnt have that much time. So she is dam busy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

wow! thankyou chinmoy ji

Sorry guys i was scheduled in my work

Since that i am working in a water company so many things about water is taking my time!

Water water everywhere
Not a drop in Boddunan
Words words everywhere
Not a lack in boddunan
Thanks for the warmth and love
you have showed me in boddunan

:) opps sorry my poetic mind is not rhyming the words!

Swetha Shenoy
Welcome swetha back to boddunan.We hope you will be active and you increase lack of confidence in us.

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hahhahahahha sasikanth

not increase the lack of confidence in you but decrease the lack of confidence and increase confidence ........


Swetha Shenoy
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