Gujarat to 11% per annum which even beats Chinese development.

Gujarat no longer competes with the rest of India but with China instead. The rate of growth of the state GDP from 2002 till date has been, on average 12.80 %. That's as good as China's and way above the Indian av...erage of 7.7% or even Gujarat's own past performance of 3.52% per annum in real terms from 1997 to 2002, as per data from the Central Statistical Organization.
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Gujarat is best state in form of development I think this is due to Hardwork and Industrial state.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Gujarat is best state in form of development I think this is due to Hardwork and Industrial state.

i give credit to narendra modi for making Gujarat to this position from earthquakes and communal riots...
yes, Modi is the best CM Gujarat has got in last few years.
Thank you said by: deepak
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