Scientists have created what they claim is the world's smallest car -- the size of which is a single molecule, making it invisible to the human eye.

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This car is so small how many people can sit inside i think this car is only for driver.

Santosh Kumar Singh


This car looks nice, but i dont think the car is comfortable for a family. I think only 2 person can sit on this car.

The car is good to see but only two men can sit.It is not a family car.
It is very nice to see, but cannot be used for the family to travel

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The car looks nice, but how comfortable it is the question. as size reduces comfortablity will get spoil. so, lets wait and see how it will come out.

Invisible car???What is the use of the car then?I don't understand why people do such nonsenses.

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