US apologises for frisking Kalam in newyork airport..

Airport authorities boarded the aircraft to frisk the former Indian president, who had already occupied his seat.
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Apology is not everything.You should not mistake this type of checking.
they are doing this again and again.every Muslim is considered suspicious in their eyes...
Yes this is happening every muslim.The person who is having muslim is checking by the US security.

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this should stop...America should understand that all the Muslims are not terrorists.
U.S.A is repeatedly committing such practices and routinely expressing regret. what we need to do is to pay in the same coin. The U.S. dignitaries should be similarly frisked after which we may also say 'sorry'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

U.S.A is repeatedly committing such practices and routinely expressing regret. what we need to do is to pay in the same coin. The U.S. dignitaries should be similarly frisked after which we may also say 'sorry'.

practicing eye for an eye has never been our stronghold. we are the followers of Gandhi who in this situation will allow himself to be frisked without any second thought.
U.S.A is repeatedly committing such practices and routinely expressing regret. what we need to do is to pay in the same coin. The U.S. dignitaries should be similarly frisked after which we may also say 'sorry'.

practicing eye for an eye has never been our stronghold. we are the followers of Gandhi who in this situation will allow himself to be frisked without any second thought.

This is a matter of national honor. There is reciprocity in international relations. We must never give any country nationals and diplomats/ dignitaries a treatment better than what they give to us. Moreover I feel that Americans are Christians and they believe in the principle- do to others as you would be done by. Thus by frisking Kalam, our ex president, they expect that we should frisk their ex presidents also. Why not oblige them by frisking their VVIPs as they do to their Indian counterparts. Like them, we shall also say 'sorry' later.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a matter of national honor. There is reciprocity in international relations. We must never give any country nationals and diplomats/ dignitaries a treatment better than what they give to us. Moreover I feel that Americans are Christians and they believe in the principle- do to others as you would be done by. Thus by frisking Kalam, our ex president, they expect that we should frisk their ex presidents also. Why not oblige them by frisking their VVIPs as they do to their Indian counterparts. Like them, we shall also say 'sorry' later. [/quote]

I totally agree with you on this Gulshan! Just because they are white-skinned (mostly) and speak English does not mean that we should be in awe of them and let them behave with our dignitaries as they would with common criminal suspects! They should have thought twice at least in dealing with a person such as Dr. Kalam. It is very abominable and we should return it with full favours on their dignitaries!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
After doing all things they are asking apologies. very bad attitude.
this is really bad on the US people. First they did this with abdul kalam , then with shahrukh and then again kalam. How can they do this. We Indians should teach a lesson to them. When US people come to Indian they also should be treated as US people treated Indians

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