The latest medical sciences are warining of the cutting back salt can up heart diseases risk.

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People think that cutting down salt can reduce the chances of getting high-blood, pressure and even BP patients are suggested to take less salty food. But this research tells us something new.
Actually this is not latest. Doctors suggest heart patients to eat food without salt.

here is the topic not to cut salt.

If we reduce salt means heartattack strikes us.

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To much taking raw salt is not good for health.Use salt with cooking.
Even reducing salt causes Low blood pressure. this is more harmful to us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Excess of anything is not good and this rule applies for salt also. We should be careful about the amount of salt consumed by us and cut down or increase the intake accordingly. Having said that I agree with the suggestion of Ram Prosad that it should also not be consumed raw as many doctor suggests the same...!
there seems to be 2 contrasting views out here.i do not take salt more/ is the salt good or bad?
Our body needs each mineral in sufficient amount.So intake of salt in necessary percentage should be taken to cure other diseases that can occur due to its shortage in body.
Even reducing salt causes Low blood pressure. this is more harmful to us

Adequate amount of salt is necessary because our body needs iodine to keep various diseases away.
Good information Sasikanthji. Salt in a very important ingredient in all our food and as such we may be eating the right amount of salt that is needed by the body, especially Indian families. To take more intake of salt will obviously invite other diseases such as blood pressure.
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