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He is eligible cricket player to play cricket. if he wish he can play ,no problem
He is gem of pakistan but he must gave some gum to his mouth.

sasikanth.... i didnt get you there....please explain...?
Deepak he is a good player no need of doubt about it.But he is having b....t mouth.

He dont know how to speak and what to speak.

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Afridi is a good player in Pakistan side and we all will like him to see in stadium.
Deepak he is a good player no need of doubt about it.But he is having b....t mouth.

He dont know how to speak and what to speak.

what he talks doesnt matter on the field...what matters is how well he bowls and fact he is the best all rounder in the world now.
He's enormously gifted like our Yuvi but both suffer from attudinal problems!
Any one tell me who is Afridi? Is he is from India or any other country?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.


He is a cricketer from Pakistan and he has been in and out of the team so often!
but afridi is a good cricketer and a good captain....he is a gem for pakistan...

Indeed Deepak, here I agree with you. When we try to judge about a cricketer than his cricketing abilities should be judged first rather than the kind of person he is or his personal life. To tell you the truth, I too love his cricketing abilities and watching him bat when he is in full song is a great treat to the eyes...! :)
Thank you said by: deepak are correct...when afridi is in full song, there is none better than him.further the way he shaped up his bowling skills is really extraordinary.too bad he is not playing in IPL.
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