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It's necessary to go for the preventive measures as it's not curable only controllable!
Excercising daily and controlling of diet helps in the control of diabeties.

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this is a very poor statics this show how people of india suffer from this diseases.
The life has become such that tension automatically comes even in small age. I am living in hostel and my neighbour has got diabetes at the age of 21.

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This is due to the mental tension and food habits and not doing any excercises causes diabeties.

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diabetes should maintain medium level in the diabetes patients , if it is more then also problem if it is less then if it come more you won't energy and if it less the you need eat sugar contents.

sasikanth Diabetes spelling is wrong in the heading, please edit it and correct it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Diabetics are very bad but there is way there is a leave that name as sugar leave if you take that your diabetics must bi in control.
IF you have the past of biryani leaf daily then your diabetes will be in control

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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