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Yes due to improper belt the abdomen will have problems.You look with a heavy stomach.

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Stomach needs a free space to spread up after eating something however belt tends to keep it stretch up.
Yes. It is really true that if we have a good belt, it will make us feel active and free. On the other hand, a tight or uncomfortable belt makes your stomach cramp out and we feel pain in our abdomen and stomach resulting in various disorders.
Yes, we should choose a good belt which can adjust according to the abdomen comfortability. while purchasing see the brand and purchase

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is a fact that we should wear belts according to our waist size and we should take the precaution not to make it too tight or too loose. A tight belt not only causes stomach related problems but also prevents free circulation of blood throughout our body.

This is generally a very common thing but still we often tend to ignore it and bring in problems for us in the long run...!
it is true...we never care much if the belt is tight or loose....and these days with low waist jeans,loose belts are on the prowl.
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