The experts are saying to have a good belts to the abdomen otherwise it changes the shape of the abdomen.

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Can you tell me what you mean by good belts and how the belts may create disorders for health

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala just go to thatstelugu site you can have clear details about it now i can post the link for you.

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Where is the link Sasi? I cannt see any link can you elobrate it.
How does belt affects human health? This seems to be very strange.
Can you please give more details ?
Its too strange to hear this this.How can a belt harm us. I don't agree on this.

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Even i didn't understand , how a belt can harm us. try to give the reason and explanation

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Here is the link sarala

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I cannot read as the topic is in Telugu. I understand that if you feel uncomfortable with belt or anything else, the apparel is improper and you need change the product or style of use.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thank you for the explanation and for clearing my doubt. that means we need to wear a belt comfortably but not tightly

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If we wear tight belt it stresses our abdomen and leads to problem in digestion properly.
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