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I love this site to gathered some knowledge and to increase my English knowledge.
I do full time work in boddunan. If am completely free then i do full time articles also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

when i got time .. i come here and read it without login...and write sometime when think for it and found time.

I am also a part time activator in forums.Writes in boddunan very rarely nowadays.

Visit my blogs:
I am a part time activator here.I will spend more time on forums only.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

That was a very useful information Gulshanji. And you are right, new topics could be found from forum as well.
I am a full time writer i spend mostly 6-8 hours here. :)

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I work part time only but i work for 2 hours daily.
I like reading articles.

Be positive
I work in my leisure here in boddunan and yes I do write one to two articles every month. In between, I take part in forum and contests organised by the site...!
I work full time. but writing articles i do when am leisure

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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