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Nice quotes and also inspired us.We should follow all these nice words.
Nice quotes Sasi but difficult to follow. :)
People must try to follow these in life to remain happy.
Sorry is the best quotes......................When you hurt someone say sorry provide relief to you........ :)
really nice quotes shared by sasi ji..
i would like to forward this thread so that new members can also gain from these nice and interesting quotes.. :)

NIce words given by me I also want to share others so that we can gain more good words.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Let me add one more from my favourite Alchemist.
If you remain silent and never asks it, fate/time will think, you never need it. So it passes by

Meera sandhu
These quotes are so nice that I bookmarked them at the time of reading itself!!!!!

Meera sandhu
Never become jealous from other always try to become better from others....... ;) ;) ;)
Never become jealous from other always try to become better from others....... ;) ;) ;)

Why can't we compete with ourselves first to make ourselves best??? Then we can compete with others :P :P

Meera sandhu
Never become jealous from other always try to become better from others....... ;) ;) ;)

Why can't we compete with ourselves first to make ourselves best??? Then we can compete with others :P :P

As far as my thinking i think for making us better we have to compete with ourself then we have to compete with others.... :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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