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The reasons why the children is having the white hair.

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Tension is one the factor,that tends to develop white hair,in very early age.
Not keeping proper care of our hair. Oiling our hair is needed on regular basis.

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Apply tea,beetroot juice,and henna inthe same ratio and apply to the hair fastly the hair becomes black.

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Due to lack of vitamin food and some harmone and strenght deficiency children have white hair

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Reason for appearing white hair at early stage of life could be because of tension on their mind, continuously worrying about the things around them and not oiling their hair on regular basis.
Children means from 5 years to 14 years. At that time they wont have much tension. only studies. But they won't take food properly so this causes early white hair

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

NOw a days the children are not getting good food they are taking fast foods which is harmfull to health.

They wont keep oil for head this is also one main reason for bad hair.

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Due to lake of protien food and vitamins and no proper care on children leads to white hair

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Now a days the parents are not taking care of childrens health.This is also one cause.

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Premature graying of hairs among youngsters are sometimes related with hereditary while at other times it could be because of side effects of certain drugs and medicines. Certain food supplements containing vitamin E also responsible for graying of hairs...!
Thank you said by: sarala
I agree with ajay, this may be due to side effects of drugs and mediciens, lack of care by the parents

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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