Friends money is very important part of our life. We spend 25 years of our life in studies. So that we can get good job with an attractive salary. Do you think every body on this earth work for money?
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In the stating of the career,every person works or money. But later when he /she has worked for years,then he /she works hard for that department. Money is first priority but later they work respect,growth of the country,their own company.

Want to make each day Accountable

Devyani nice question and i think most of the people do not follow any process as said by Ronark. Now-a-days money is main thing for anyone as even survival depends on it. So, there is no doubt that most of us work for money and money only. Factors like growth, reputation is just a reason to earn more.
Nobody can live without work. Remuneration is related to work but this cannot be only condition for work. There are many doing honorary job as they have already sufficient money. many engage in social and other charitable work without money.

An idle man needs work by others. If you do not work, you will play cards, gamble, drink liqueur or just gossip or watch TV. Thus for an idle man, others like casinos, bars, TV anchors have to perform work.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Nice discussion started ,thanks Devyani.Money is a factor but not only at all time.Ronark already said primarily We work for money but then we need respect.
We work to make our position financially strong and stable and yes money is one of our primary reason behind work. Secondary factors are social status, dignity, job satisfaction etc. But having said that there are numerous examples of people to whom money is indifferent and they devote their life in doing social work etc...!
Money is needed for the survival on earth so that we can get things that we need. so i think yes money is necessary for all.
I don't think so.Recently I heard that in Kodaikanal International School most of the teachers are working without pay!!

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Friends let me give a situation think and then decide what is more important for you.
1. You are told to clean drainage system of a particular place . Your salary will be Rs. 2 million a month. or
2. You are told to bring flowers from garden. Your salary will be Rs. 100 a month.
Which one you would do?
In this world devyani ji,money matters. If a person is getting money,lots of moeny as you said 2 million.Come on!i will clean the drainage and would be happy to get 2 million.
Money makes lots of difference.
Every one like to do good work,but good work should pay you.
Both work are not hard to do.
And let me tell you, Cleaning drainage is not at all a bad work.

I still believe that the meaning of such of question is incomplete.
I am not getting in mind, the incompleteness,hope the other members will get more detail on it and fill the incompleteness.

Want to make each day Accountable

Very well explained by Ronark in the above post and I too believe that work is worship and it doesn't matter what we do( in this case, cleaning drains and bringing flowers)as long as it brings us a good inflow of cash...!
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