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Friends i have a homophone

Ant and aunt

I dont what to explain this because all you know this one.

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ant and aunt are not homo phones
because they wont sound similar

a-nt and au-nt not similar

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

very nice i think there are so many homophones that exist in english language.
But we cant sound similar but the other countries will spell similar.They know only by spelling.

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in - inside
inn - hotel

so similar in sound but meaning different

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala can you post some more homophones for us.I am eager to learn more from you.

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thankyou sarala for starting this post...i have got a good understanding of homophones now...
Sarala have you know any sites of this homophones please provide us link.

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