Homophones are the words are similar in sound and different in meaning and spelling. let us collect them how much we know about them

My first homophone

sum & some

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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what are these names did you kept nick names of your home phones.
Dear Isha
Homophones means it is related to grammar.The 2 words will be same in pronunciation or sounding but they are different in spelling and meaning.

For example

Sum and some.
sum means addition
some means little

sun and son
sun means it is in sky
son means boy who took birth for his parents

our and hour
our means its related to us
hour means it is time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Here is a homophone
were and wear
were-the past form of am,is,are
wear-to dress up some cloth.

disease - decease

disease - it is kind of ill

decease - dead

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ok got the point.from my side
Seen- To watch anything
Scene- Appearance of something.
Rain and Reign.

Rain is a weather.

Reign means a Royal authority; supreme power; sovereignty; rule

ad and add

ad means an advertisement of a company or job etc.

add means addition of two or more numbers or objects etc.


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Friends I have one homophone
Hare - Big rabbit
Hair - dead cells which grows from skin.
I have one more homophone

at and yet

see and sea

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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